Hello and welcome to the FABRIX project website! This project has been underway for little
more than three months, but the team is already hard at work on its guiding theory and methodology
which was of course already partially developed during the proposal stage.
For this reason we are pleased to announce that our work has already found outlet in an academic
publication from our project lead, Dr. Karel Van den Berghe. The publication in question is a chapter
entitled “Bedrijvigheid en wonen: Van Central Business naar Central (re)manufacturing district?” in
the book titled Transformatie naar woningen ,Copyright (c) 2024 Hilde Remøy; Gerard van Bortel; Erwin
Heurkens, Roeli van Venrooij, pp. 231-242. The chapter is conceptual reflection on the role of urban
(re)manufacturing in cities in relation to urban living (in Dutch). Here is the [Zenodo record for the publication](https://zenodo.org/records/10932312), which can be read online.
Do [follow the project on Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/communities/fabrix/) to follow FABRIX project on Zenodo, as this is just the first of many publications we have in mind for the next few years on the topic of the coupling of urban regeneration and manufacturing, place and community.